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Welcome the Ladysmith Arts Membership website

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Please Note: Membership's are now valid from the day you purchase or renew for 1 year. Annual fees are due and payable on the anniversary of your membership and no longer the ACLD fiscal year. 

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Benefits to Membership:

  • Exhibit at the Ladysmith Gallery Monthly Member Exhibitions - No submission costs and artwork installed by experienced curators and gallery coordinator 
  • Voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting based on membership level
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Participate in the Art Magazine
  • Sell work in our Gallery Boutique
  • Become a board member
  • Digital support and instruction
  • Free marketing for monthly exhibitions
  • Take part in special events
  • Member appreciation & social events
  • 10-Day Gallery Rental Opportunities for guest exhibitions or group shows
  • Discounts with local businesses
  • Ladysmith Arts Newsletter
  • Invitation to exhibition receptions, members only events and networking

Annual fees are due and payable on anniversary of your membership. A member shall cease to be in good standing and their membership discontinued if their annual fees are not paid within 30 days of expiration. 

To vote at all General meetings members must be in good standing for at least 30 days. If you want to stand for the Board of Directors or other office you must be in good standing for at least 30 days before the meeting where you wish to stand.

Memberships are non-refundable, and not transferable. There shall be no rebate on annual dues. 

Annual fees for each class of membership shall be set by the incoming board of directors at the first regular board meeting after the election at the AGM and rates will be effective immediately.  

The Arts Council of Ladysmith & District - Main Website at

@2022 Arts Council of Ladysmith & District 

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Call or Email Us
Office: +1 (250) 245-1252

Supported by:

- BC Arts Council & the 

- Government of BC

- BC Gaming

See Our Full List of Sponsors!

Mailing Address:
PO Box 2370

Ladysmith | BC | V9G 1B8

Office & Classroom Location :

444 Parkhill Terrace,


Open by Appointment  

Ladysmith Gallery:

32 High Street, Ladysmith


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